PLEASE NOTE that from December 15 to January 19, we will only have ONE Sunday morning service at 11:00 am, preceded by Core Seminars at 10:00 am. We will go back to two services on January 26. 

Benevolence Ministry at Grace

Grace Bible Church financially supports those members of our community who meet our requirements for financial assistance. For years, our church has annually conducted a special (and sacrificial) offering to help fund this ministry. We are thankful for this opportunity to love and serve Christ and you through your coming to see us for assistance. While we cannot promise to help you in exactly the ways you believe you need help, we do promise to listen to what you have to say, to pray with and for you, and to do our best to help in the ways we believe are most helpful.


The foundation for the benevolence ministry at Grace Bible Church is the mercy God has extended through the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 8:9). Having received mercy from Christ by grace, we have become vessels of that mercy to others. The recipients of benevolence ministry at Grace Bible Church are any persons who come to us with needs, whether a part of our church body or not. However, in an effort to prove our commitment to those committed to us, we especially support the needs of our members. The reach of benevolence ministry extends to spiritual, physical, and practical needs. 

How Do I Set Up an Appointment?

Please note that we no longer take walk-in appointments. To schedule an appointment, you must first fill out this application (click here for the application). This goes for the initial meeting and any subsequent, follow-up meetings. If, for some reason, you cannot fill out this online form, you may pick up a physical copy from our office. If you want a benevolence appointment to be scheduled, you must fill out this form in full and provide sufficient details for each question. It is especially important that you provide an e-mail address and/or phone number for follow-up purposes. Otherwise, we will ask you to resubmit the form. At the end of each week, appointments will be scheduled for the next week in the order that applications were received.

Where Are the Appointments Held?

We schedule benevolence appointments to take place at the Grace Bible Church office, located at 1722 University Avenue, Oxford, MS 38655

What About Members?

Members are encouraged to reach out to their shepherding elder if a benevolence need arises. His or her elder, in conjunction with at least one other elder, will then take the lead in determining the best next steps for assistance.