Welcome! Here at Grace Bible Church of Oxford we believe in fellowship. This page is dedicated to keeping you informed on the latest men’s Bible studies, upcoming fellowship events, and outreach opportunities.

Purpose Statement

In step with Proverbs 27:17, the purpose of the men’s ministry is to sharpen and strengthen the men of Grace Bible through God’s Word, fellowship, encouragement, and accountability.

Current Fellowship Opportunities

Monthly Fellowship and Discussions: Once per month, typically on a Friday night at 6:00 p.m., the men at Grace gather at the church for food, fellowship, and discussion of some topic relevant to our lives or to simply fellowship with one another over a meal and some activity (e.g., board/card games, pickleball, etc.). The link to RSVP for these meetings is posted in the bulletin and newsletter ahead of each event. If you need the link to RSVP for a specific one that you see, please e-mail info@gracebibleofoxford.com.

Third Thursdays Pastors Talk Podcast: Every third Thursday of the month, at noon, J.D. and Les Newsom, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Oxford, record a podcast on some topic relevant to the Christian life. Both men and women are encouraged to bring their own lunch and attend this live recording. We alternate meeting at each of our churches, starting with Grace in August of 2024 (though on the fourth Thursday this month, August 22, and not August 15). We hope to see you there!

Men's Bible Studies: We have a weekly men’s Bible study at the church on Thursdays, one at 6:00 a.m. and one at noon (same content at two different times). The spring 2025 ones starts on February 6. J.D. leads most of these, and C.J. fills in occasionally. These are "open invitation," so feel free to just show up. We typically take a break during the months of December and January, as well as May to July. For other men’s Bible study offerings, e-mail cj@gracebibleofoxford.com.