Grace Kids is our Sunday morning children’s ministry. We take care of and teach children ranging from newborns in the nursery through children in the sixth grade from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. every week. Grace Kids is also available during the 8:45 and 11:00 worship services for our younger children, ages five and under; children in kindergarten and up are encouraged to attend the worship service with their families. To learn more about what to expect during a typical Sunday morning or Wednesday night at Grace, please visit our What to Expect page. If you have a child with special needs, be sure to read about our Emma's Friends Ministry at the bottom of the page.
Meet Our Children's Ministry Staff
LAUREN SHINAULTPreschool Ministry Coordinator |
RHIANNA REEDERChildren's Ministry Coordinator |
Volunteering with Grace Kids Children's Ministry
Serving in Grace Kids is a great opportunity to care for and teach the Bible to our youngest attendees, which is a service to their parents and families as well! If you are interested in serving, please fill out this form, and we'll follow up with you as soon as possible.
The Gospel Project Curriculum
We utilize The Gospel Project curriculum on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, walking children chronologically through the Bible. The Gospel Project is unique in that each week we bring the story back to Jesus and tie it to the gospel. It provides great resources for the classroom as well as family discipleship. Each week your child should come home with an activity page that highlights the main points from the story, shares thought-provoking questions, and gives ideas for how to put themes learned into action. We believe Scripture teaches that parents have the primary responsibility to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. At Grace, we deeply desire to support parents in this task. The weekly training is available here. |
Emma's Friends Special Needs Ministry
Mission: Emma’s Friends is a special needs ministry at Grace Bible Church. Our mission is to equip our church to reach out to our neighbors with special needs and to provide an atmosphere that welcomes everyone who enters the doors of Grace Bible Church, embracing and accommodating their unique needs and abilities. We desire to provide a place that is safe, inclusive and compassionate so that those with special needs and their families can come to worship the Lord with us, learn more about Him, and grow to become the vital part of Christ’s Body that He created them to be, all while giving God the glory.
Buddies: Emma’s Friends will provide a buddy on Sunday mornings for children with special needs, and this buddy will stay with the child in their regular Sunday School room or in our Sensory-Friendly Room. The buddy is the child’s friend and advocate and will help the child navigate Sunday mornings in a safe, respectful, and joyful way. Buddies are high school students, college students, and adults who have a heart for kids of different abilities.
Register: To register a child or to become a buddy, please email Amanda Beckett, our Emma’s Friends Coordinator. If you have any questions, we would love for you to visit Grace and visit with our ministry leaders so we can understand the needs of your child. Your family is welcome at Grace, and we look forward to meeting you soon.
Children's Ministry Policies Manual
The following manual is meant to inform the families of all of the steps we take at Grace Bible Church to ensure that this is a safe environment for children. It is our belief that maintaining rigorous policies that pursue safety and accountability is necessary for the continued spiritual, physical, and mental health of children and their families. Please review these documents and feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.