Below are the staff of Grace Bible Church, some of whom also serve as elders.
To e-mail staff members and read their bios, just click on his or her individual picture.
J.D. SHAWPastor |
C.J. MOOREAssociate Pastor Missions, Discipleship, and Operations |
JARED SMITHAssociate Pastor Worship and Facilities |
SKYLER FLOWERSAssociate Pastor Family Ministry, Student Ministry, and Adult Education |
RHIANNA REEDERChildren's Ministry Coordinator |
LAUREN SHINAULTOffice Assistant and Preschool Ministry Coordinator |
PARKER HUDSONPastoral Resident |
COLIN KEYSMinistry Intern Worship |
MARY FRANNIE VAN ESMinistry Intern Student Ministry |
JACOB PLOTTMinistry Intern Student Ministry |