A Monthly Meeting for Pastors

The North Mississippi Pastors’ Fellowship is an hour-long, monthly gathering of pastors in our area.  

As pastors, we know that ministry can often feel isolating and lonely. Forming and maintaining friendships can be difficult, especially in our own congregations. What's more, our relationships with other churches and pastors are often more characterized by competition rather than comradery. We hope to change that through this monthly fellowship for pastors and church leaders in our immediate area but also the broader context of North Mississippi. Our aim is to provide a place for pastors to fellowship with, pray for, and learn from one another. In other words, it's a place for pastors to become friends.

At every meeting, lunch will be provided, along with a short (twenty minutes or so) presentation on a topic of interest to pastors. We typically host these meetings on the second Monday of every month from noon to 1:00 pm (we take a break during the summer); however, we will adjust the days as needed based on other community- or church-wide events. We just ask that you RSVP by noon on the Thursday before each meeting so we know how much food to order. Links to RSVP for 2025's spring meetings are listed below.