Welcome! Here at Grace Bible Church of Oxford we believe in fellowship. This page is dedicated to keeping you informed on the latest women's Bible studies, upcoming fellowship events, and outreach opportunities.
Purpose Statement
The Women’s Ministry at Grace Bible Church is ministry by and to the women of Grace to encourage them to grow in their love for Christ and their neighbors. Our purpose is to equip women to use their gifts and joyfully embrace their God-ordained roles in every stage of life. We desire to connect generations through prayer, Christ-centered fellowship, Bible study, discipleship, and works of service for the glory of God and the growth of His Kingdom.
Fellowship Opportunities
Spring Study in Judges: Judges is shocking! The results of “everyone doing what it right in their own eyes” will remind us all of our modern “post truth” world. This spring, we will look at this book together and find that the most surprising thing about the time of the Judges is the gracious, redemptive, rescuing character of our God. Join us as we learn and discuss together. We will see how truly good the good news of King Jesus is. We will have 3 sessions available beginning January 23rd and ending April 17th (we will break during Spring Break).
Register Here |
"Daily Grace": We have created a social media group on GroupMe for women who would like to encourage each other as we read through the entire Bible this year. We use a chronological reading guide. We believe this to be a great opportunity for accountability, as few things benefit us more than reading God's Word on a daily basis. Join us by messaging Kevie O'Haver on the GroupMe App or e-mailing her.
Join Group |
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Other Opportunities
Faithfully Fit: “Faithfully Fit” is an exercise class for ladies that meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00 to 10:00 in the morning. If you have questions or would like to be added to the Faithfully Fit group chat, please text Charlotte Waller at (601) 941-3656.
Special Events: Please look for special opportunities in the church bulletin, weekly newsletter, and our Women’s GroupMe for more fellowship opportunities. To be added to our Women’s GroupMe, please text Jennifer Fassinger at (216) 333-0595.
Prayer: For more information on our prayer ministry or to be added to our Prayer GroupMe, message Jennifer Fassinger on the GroupMe app or at (216) 333-0595.
Outreach: The mission of the outreach committee is to encourage, communicate, and connect women to ministries in our local community. Listed here are several ministries that Graceful Women’s Ministry currently supports: The Pantry, Interfaith Compassion Ministry, More Than a Meal, Grace's Children's Ministry, Emma's Friends, and the Pregnancy Center of Oxford.