PLEASE NOTE that from December 15 to January 19, we will only have ONE Sunday morning service at 11:00 am, preceded by Core Seminars at 10:00 am. We will go back to two services on January 26. 

November 27, 2022

The Hope of the Virgin Birth

Speaker: Skyler Flowers Series: Advent: Christ's Coming in the Prophets Scripture: Isaiah 7:10–17

other sermons in this series

Dec 18


Faith for Waiting

Speaker: Skyler Flowers Scripture: Malachi 3:1–4, Malachi 4:1–6 Series: Advent: Christ's Coming in the Prophets

Dec 11


Victory by Humble Submission

Speaker: C.J. Moore Scripture: Isaiah 52:13– 53:12 Series: Advent: Christ's Coming in the Prophets